About Me

Owner & Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (MSPA-CPSP)

Manisha completed a Bachelor of Science at The University of Melbourne and graduated with a Masters in Speech Pathology from La Trobe University. She is a registered Certified Practising Speech Pathologist with 10 years experience working in early childhood intervention.

Manisha has experience working in early childhood development from babies to school aged children. She has supported children with a range of disabilities and developmental delays including children with hearing loss, receptive (understanding) and expressive (spoken) language delays, speech and social communication delays.

Manisha has previously worked for the Department of Education, in Autism Services and has extensive experience working  with children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, in different community settings including home, childcare, school and providing telehealth services.

Manisha is passionate about working closely with families to empower them, provide them with parent coaching, guidance and support to develop their child’s communication, listening skills, social and early literacy skills. She takes a gentle and compassionate approach while working collaboratively with families to help them achieve their goals.

She is trained in;

-         Key Word Sign (2012) and (2016)

-         Alex Kelly Social Skills Workshop (2016)

-         Auditory Verbal Therapy Workshop (2018)

-         AAC PODD Workshop (2018)

-         Parent Child Mother Goose Facilitator Training (2019)

-         Colourful Semantics Workshop (2023)

-         Postgraduate Infant Feeding Workshop – Feeding Therapy Australia (2024)